Colorplay dress in action!

My daughter is 2.5 years old and very opinionated about clothing. Lately, she decided that whatever I make for her is not worthy of her time. She'll run away screeching as soon as she sees me coming towards her with a hand-knit in hand. 

So it was a bit of a miracle when she finally adopted this little Colorplay dress last weekend. She even hammed it up for the camera. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

This is the first sample I made for the Colorplay dress pattern. As you can see, I didn’t “sandwich” the flower pattern with the arrows on this one and that bothered me after all was said and done, so I re-knit a sample in 3mo size (you can see it on the pattern page). The arrow pattern is also a bit taller in this version. Oh, and I made a mistake in the hem flower pattern! There’s an extra row in there and the top petals are not the same size as the bottom ones.

For all these reasons, this sample did not end up being the featured sample on my pattern page, but I’m really in love with the colors, very Mini Boden I think! I am usually into muted color palettes for kid's clothes but once in a while I have a longing for a big pop of color. Probably a sign that I can't wait for the winter to be over! This dress still slightly long on my daughter (she wears 3yo clothing and this is a 4yo) but I think the fit is quite good anyway. I could see her getting a lot of use out of it.