After reviewing what last year brought, I've listed some things I'd like to accomplish, or direct my attention to in 2018, and I've noticed that they all revolve around the theme of "exploration":
1. Explore my craft: I want to explore more things related to knitting and expand the breadth of my knowledge, as well as challenge myself to not always rely on old recipes. That means:
- Working with yarn dyers that I admire, learning more about what they do and how they do it.
- Trying out techniques and trying to compile a definitive list of the ones I like the best, instead of wasting time trying out a million cast ons, decreases etc. every time I design something. This might be a good opportunity to come up with some tutorials of my own, instead of linking to other designers' videos!
- Allowing myself to be creative and not censoring myself. This is not to say I want to do crazy out-there origami garments, just that I want to give myself permission to choose what seems right for the garment (if this means foregoing top-down, seamless raglans in favor of less popular techniques and constructions, so be it!). But at the same time, rest assured that I will always strive to find the simplest, most elegant solution to a particular design problem. Fussy is not me.
- Spending time reading other designers' patterns and studying them. I'm still in the mindset of buying only patterns I might one day knit, and at this point I should view patterns more as study materials.
- Learning more about knitting traditions around the world and keeping an eye on what's happening on the runways knitting-wise.
2. Explore a particular inspiration more fully:
- Instead of doing mini collections with motifs or stitch patterns carried over different garments , which I've done a couple of times, I want to spend some time diving into a particular inspiration or a particular aesthetic and let that be my guide for a while.
- Try to dissect the emotion or the mood that I'm trying to convey, be more intentional about color and texture.
- Keep prioritizing function and comfort. Never forget that these garments should be loved by the little humans they belong to, and worn out in the world.
3. Get to know my community better:
- Listen to more knitting podcasts (any suggestions?? I had compiled a list a while back but I need more ideas!) That might means laying off true crime podcasts for a while... Oh no!... ;)
- Attend at least one fiber festival this year. Perhaps reach out to local-ish yarn stores.
- Start a Facebook group where people who love my patterns can meet, chat and get inspired (Done!)
[When I started my Facebook page a couple of years back I didn't realize that only a small fraction of the people who like the page would be able to see what I post unless I paid Facebook money. Unlike a page, a Facebook group seem to be pretty straightforward algorithm-wise: if I post something there's a good chance the group members will see it.]
- By the same token, share more of myself: Truth be told, I am getting increasingly bored with the Instagramming of life; all the "inspiring," carefully curated and interchangeable flat lays, blooms and cups of coffee. It's all fine and good for a quick scroll, but there's something to be said for more in-depth and reflected-upon content. And on a more personal level, writing more regularly can only be good for my poor scattered brain!
An Instagram-worthy stock photo!
4. Explore another craft as a hobby:
Because it's important to take a break from knitting! I want to do more sewing for the kids this year. The only sewing patterns for kids that I'm familiar with (and that are suitable for my skill level) are Made By Rae's. Any other recommendations? I also would like to get better at embroidery. I've rediscovered it recently and I would love any suggestions you might have of books, online resources etc...
5. Redo my studio!
I've already started a Pinterest inspiration board (click on the image below to check it out)! Baby steps ;)
What about you? Do you have any knitting goals for 2018?